❓Account already exists?
    • 21 Sep 2022
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors
    • Dark

    ❓Account already exists?

    • Dark

    Article summary

    The application keeps stating I already have an account, but I don't
    - Are you sure you didn't scan your face already?

     Due to security reasons, JustPlay users are allowed to have one account only.

    If someone's face was already associated with another account, they won't be able to create new accounts on other devices (in case it's on the same device, and you created a new account by uninstalling and re-installing everything should work properly).

    You can always ask a friend or family member to authenticate this account, as your face has already been associated with another account.

    Please keep in mind that submitting a personal information removal request will not fix the error. Removing your data is not a successful workaround.

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