💲Special Offers
    • 29 Aug 2021
    • 1 Minute to read
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    • Dark

    💲Special Offers

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Special Offers

    What is it?

    Special Offers section of the app, where you have a list of offers that you can complete for a specific amount of coins. If you are missing coins from those offers, you actually need to contact the company that operates those special offers

    A third-party provider handles this offer section and you need to contact them directly about your missing coins.

    To do this:

    1. Go to the special coins offer section
    2. Click on "Complete offers" followed by "IN PROGRESS":
    3. Click on the relevant offer -
    4. Click on "missing coins?" at the bottom to report it.

    They'll help you quickly with your request.

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